Motorcycle accidents Facts and safety

Motorcycle safety and facts are important aspects of personal transportation, but may be hard to understand at first. Motorcycle accidents are a serious matter, and unfortunately, someone will probably be injured or killed at some point due to this type of accident. Motorcycles are unique in that they can travel faster than other forms of transportation and can reach high speeds that cars cannot. There are several points that you should note when riding a motorcycle so that you can keep yourself safe while enjoying your ride. Motorcycle accidents are one of the most serious hazards faced by motorcyclists. While they are uncommon, they do happen. This article will discuss some important things you need to know about motorcycle safety and incidents in the US.

Some facts and statistics 

 In the US, motorcycle deaths have been on the rise each year since 1998. This could be attributed to the increase in motorcycle traffic since then. Today, there are more than 2 million registered motorcycles in the country, which roughly translates to 144 new motorcycles added every hour. In the United States, motorcycle deaths have been on the rise each year since 1998. There were 13,093 motorcycle crash fatalities in the US in 2014. While this number is still low compared to other countries, it marks an increase of 8% over 2013 and a 50% jump from 2004.  According to reports from the CDC and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), motorcyclists are killed in motor vehicle crashes at a rate of 1.35 deaths per 100 million miles traveled. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 4,000 people die every year in motorcycle crashes. To put those tragic numbers in perspective, over 800 died riding motorcycles on Memorial Day 2015 alone. Motorcycle crashes are a major concern for motorcycle riders. According to the latest statistics, motorcycle injuries and fatalities are higher in rural areas than in urban areas. Motorcycle accidents are more prevalent in rural than urban areas, despite a similar number of registered vehicles. Motorcycle riders are more likely to be involved in relatively nonfatal crashes than car drivers. News of motorcycle deaths in rural areas may surprise some people, but it is part of the overall picture of motor vehicle deaths. In 2018, there were 4,985 motorcycle fatalities on US roads.

October is the most dangerous month for motorcyclists.

October is the most dangerous month for motorcyclists. Hot weather, high humidity, and low visibility can put you in more danger than you realize. October is the most dangerous month for motorcyclists and accidents will increase, according to a survey by the insurance company RMS.there were 35,500 motorbike accidents that took place during October 2015 in the USA alone.

Motorcycle Safety

 Motorcycle safety is important to everyone who rides a motorcycle. It's not just about enjoying the flexibility and freedom of riding your motorcycle on the highway, but also about being safe. Motorcycle safety can be a scary topic. Statistics show that around 16% of all motorcyclists will be killed in a crash. That is a lot higher than cars if you consider that more people ride motorcycles than the number of cars on the road, and motorcycles have less protective equipment than cars.

Here are some safety tips to keep in mind while you're riding.

* Always wear your helmet. It's the law in most states and can save your life if you get into an accident.

* Never drink and drive! Alcohol affects your ability to control the bike, which means it could lead to an accident or worse. It's not worth the risk!

* Don't ride in extreme weather conditions unless you have the proper gear and know how to handle them safely. Rainy days, icy roads, etc., can make for dangerous situations for everyone involved if you're not prepared for them.

* Don't try to outrun traffic—the best way to avoid getting hurt is just by staying off the road altogether!

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